Contact us

You can contact us by email, phone, wapp or site form
Just scroll down
Our preferred method is by EMAIL
Maybe we'll not answer instantly because we are all the time on the field
But for sure you'll have an answer from us
PS: Don't forget to check also the SPAM folder


Phone - Call, SMS, WAPP


Tulcea Office

Tulcea, 3 Intrarea Marmurei - It is the Departure place for our BOAT trips to the Danube Delta.

Brasov Office

Brasov, 46 Grivitei - online office in Brasov


Official name

Travel Agency name: Alternative Travel
Company name: SC Dobrogea Misterioasa SRL
VAT NO: RO23526340

Our officies

In Tulcea and Brasov are only online offices. Being an online agency, we do not have a space dedicated to clients visits.

Our embarking point

From Tulcea, inside Port Aval, on 3 Marmurei street is not a permanent office. One of our colleagues will be there only at embarking hours, on embarking days.

So, for a contact with us, please write an email or call. Thank you!


Please use this form for general topics, for tailor made programs request or any other subject except BOOKINGS of the tours on the website.

For BOOKING REQUESTS of the programs on the website, please use the request form from every page / program.