The meeting point in Tulcea - Port Tulcea Aval

Our BOAT TOURS to the Danube Delta
Are starting from Tulcea City, in PORT TULCEA AVAL
We are NOT on the City Promenade
A safe place to park your car
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To make it easier to arrive at the meeting point of Tulcea, in the Port Aval – Tulcea we give you some reference points:

1. If you have a smartphone with Google Maps installed, please write in the search field Port TULCEA AVAL and you”ll receive the route to us.

2. We are in the courtyard of Port Aval – Tulcea, known by the locals as TRANSNAV (is the old name of the place).

Once you are in front of PORT AVAL, just pass the barriers and go ahead for 200m, you’ll find us on the floating pontoon marked “Debarcader pasageri”, it is just in front of you, with an orange roof. We are on the second door on theright, in the SOUVENIR SHOP.

The official adress is 3 Intrarea Marmurei. If you can’f find the adress on GPS, please follow the next instructions:

From the center of Tulcea, at the Hotel Delta roundabout, you go ahead on the street Grigore Antipa (parallel to the Danube, ie if you come from Bucharest/Constanta is stright ahead or turn left if coming from Galati / Braila), follow this road and take the first left (str Timisoara, in fact it is the main road), at the end of this stree you have to turn right (is the only possibility) and after 10 m, turn left (str Mistretului or Mistreti, depends on map). This road continues around the bend to the right as the street Gradinari and you have to take the first street to the left, you left a pillar inscribed on MAER, street ends in front of two gates, go on the left one.

Although it seems very complicated and many streets, all the way from Hotel Delta to us lasts five minutes, just follow exactly the way described.

GPS coordinates of the location are :

LAT : 45 ° 11”14.75 ” N

LONG : 28 ° 48”27.17 ” E

* At the boarding point in Tulcea you can leave your car in a safe parking lot, the cost is 3.5 euro / day / car.

To study visual this location, you can find below a map :